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Dear farOFFeires,

We are very happy with the number of entries in the call, there were more than 120 works, from various corners of the country, various accents, flavors and languages. In total, there were 1936 minutes of work, professionals who have been on the road for years, amateur artists, students who have just started.

And as you all know, FarOFFa is designed for production, we are a collective of restless producers, who are always looking for other ways of doing things, for new creation policies, and the only curatorship we do is jointly with the artists, and we we are in the process, learning, discovering and keeping curiosity always in the foreground.

Faced with so many desires and risks, we chose to welcome all those enrolled in some way, valuing the process. In addition to the announcement in the call, the exhibition of the works in the charming cineminha da Oswald (where we will opt for some works with more than 20 minutes in duration - There will be some because our available time in the cinema does not support all the registrations), we chose to place all the works listed on our website, during the FarOFFa period. Thus, everyone who signed up will have their material available to be accessed through the platform.  

In addition to these two options, we also want to leave a large TV on Oswald Andrade's premises showing some other works uninterruptedly (we will choose to show works with less than 20 minutes on TV) so that the public that will attend FarOFFa, can, between a process and another, to sit down and enjoy each entry.

We think that this way, we can enhance, create possibilities and approaches necessary for our strengthening.  


Stay tuned for emails, we will contact you to authorize these exhibitions.  

For now, what remains is the happiness of knowing that even in pandemic times the creation process found ways to continue!

Logo marca da Corpo Rastreado. A paravra Corpo Rastreado escrita com algumas letras em formatop de código de barras.
Logomarca do projeto Corpo A Fora, escrita da palavra em letras finas.
Logomarca do projeto farofa. Escrita da palavra Farofa e linhas em movimento ao final da palavra.
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