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Matheus Macena

22/03 > 12H
23/03 > 18H

Alameda Nothmann, 1058 - Campos Elíseos



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00:00 / 01:21

Matheus Macena

Bidi Bujnowski
Pedro Nego
Gabriel Prieto

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Audio Transcribed

Hi everyone, here’s an audio about Edson. Edson is a theater play, freely inspired by the life and death of Edson Luís de Lima Souto, a young secondary school student, only 17 years old, who was killed by the military dictatorship at point-blank range during a protestasking for food at the student restaurant Calabouço, in downtown Rio de Janeiro. The play is precisely about uncovering the real story of this young man, but at the same time, it’s also a fictionalization of what his story could have been. In other words,the play is a perfect intersection of historical facts and a completely fictional, fantastical reality, so that in telling thestory, we can create a panorama of the military regime, but from the perspective of the working class, from the perspective of complete illiteracy, from the perspective of rural workers.In short, the play is a mixture of languages — between theater, dance, and music—and it is written and directed by me, Matheus Macena. I think that’s it.


Matheus Macena is an actor, dancer, and playwright. He performed in the playCaranguejoOverdrive, produced by the Rio de Janeiro-based company "Aquela Cia." He was nominated forthe Cesgranrio, APTR, and Shell awards for Best Actor in 2015.He won the Shell Award for Best Actor in 2024 for his performance in the showMusical Pré-Fabricado, directed and written by Michel Melamed. He was a participant in The Watermill Program in New York (US) in 2019 as a performer and co-creator of the performanceClearingthe Internal Forests, directed by Bob Wilson and Naufus Ramirez.Matheus acted in the feature filmUm Animal Amarelo, directed by Felipe Bragança. The filmpremiered at the Rotterdam FilmFestival (NL), IndieLisboa (PT), and the Toulouse Film Festival(FR). It won awards for Best Screenplay, Best Feature Film, Best Actress, and Best Art Directionat the Gramado Film Festival 2020 (BR).He was a dancer with the Cia Lia Rodrigues de Danças,based at the Centro de Arte da Maré (BR-Rio de Janeiro). He contributed as a co-creator to the creative process for the premiere of theshow “ENCANTADO” at the Theatre National de Chaillot in 2021 (FR-Paris).

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