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collective occupation

Created in 2017 by performers and artists who met during the uprising of the high school student protests and the occupations of public schools that occured in São Paulo, Brazil, between 2015 and 2016. Using rebellion and theatre, education and creation, ColetivA Ocupação became a way to explore different languages and narratives since the uprisings and urgent struggles of our time: bodies in revolt, which now occupy new spaces and narratives.

The group has built a course of presentations and workshops for young people in major festivals and theaters in Brazil and Europe, such as the Festival de Curitiba, FIT (International Festival of Rio Preto), Cena Brasil Internacional, Festival de Londrina. In June 2019 the ColectivA Ocupação had its project “Quando Quebra Queima na Escolas: Pausa para Existir” (When it Breaks it Burns in Schools: Pause to Exist) awarded by the Zé Renato prize given by the Municipal Secretary of Culture of São Paulo for promoting theater, for the circulation of the show in more than 10 public schools , culture factories and cultural centers. In Europe, they presented at the Transform Festival in Leeds, Festival MEXE in the city of Por to, Panorama Festival in Paris at the Centre National de La Dance. They were invited to a two-week residency and season at the Battersea Arts Center in London and at the Contact Theater in Manchester.


Quando Quebra Queima - Teatro

Altamira o centro do mundo - Filme Documentário

Logo marca da Corpo Rastreado. A paravra Corpo Rastreado escrita com algumas letras em formatop de código de barras.
Logomarca do projeto Corpo A Fora, escrita da palavra em letras finas.
Logomarca do projeto farofa. Escrita da palavra Farofa e linhas em movimento ao final da palavra.
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