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AMÉFRICA - Part 2: The Retake

The show AMÉFRICA: In Three Acts by Coletivo Legítima Defesa consists in the poetic, therefore, political elaboration of black and Amerindian confluences and their social and historical unfoldings in Brazil .
The scenic dramaturgy is freely inspired by the concept of Amefricanity. The term Amefricanidad, coined by Lélia Gonzalez, a black Brazilian intellectual, refers to black and Amerindian knowledge and experiences in the American continent.
Black and indigenous trajectories in dialogue/confluence allow for the creation of alliances based on their own legacies, bringing to light narratives buried by colonial heritage.
Directed by: Eugênio Lima
Dramaturgy: Aldri Anunciação
Dramaturgic Intervention: Coletivo Legítima Defesa and Claudia Schapira
Cast Legítima Defesa: Walter Balthazar, Luz Ribeiro, Jhonas Araújo, Gilberto Costa, Tatiana Rodrigues Ribeiro, Fernando Lufer, Luan Charles and Marcial Macome
Guest Actress: Janaína Silva
Artistic Consulting: Renata Tupinambá
Amerindian Culture Consultancy: Majoí Gongora
Executive Producer: Gabi Gonçalves_Corpo Rastreado and Iramaia Gongora_Umbabarauma Produções Artísticas
Director's Assistants: Gabriela Miranda and Iramaia Gongora
Production Assistant: Thaís Cris Souza_ Quica Produções
Musical Direction: Eugênio Lima
Musicians: Eugênio Lima and Luan Charles
Videography: Bianca Turner and Mônica Ventur
Lighting design: Matheus Brant
Costume Design: Claudia Schapira
Body Preparation and Choreography: Luaa Gabanini
Voice Over: Sandra Nanayna
Partners: Márcio Goldmann, Sandra Nanayna, Karine Narahara, Dorinha Pankará, Antônio Bispo, Naine Terena, Edivan Fulni-ô, Cacique Babau and Geni Nuñez
DURATION: 60 minutes
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