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Human Invaso is a solo about the creative imprisonment of being.
The journey of an artist struggling against his walls and stripping off the imposed wrappings to achieve the realization of his expression.
There is a great flame burning in his soul, and no one ever comes to warm himself, and the passersby only notice a little bit of smoke at the top of the chimney and then go on their way. "And is there any other way to save oneself? if not to create one's own realities?"
Inspired by the artistic creation process of intense artists catalogued as madmen.
Idealization and acting: Danilo Dal Farra
Directed by: Sara Antunes
Dramaturgy: Danilo Dal Farra, Sara Antunes and Cristiano Karnas
Body Preparation and Movement Direction: Cristiano Karnas
Research Coordination, Artistic Provocation and Actor Preparation: Carlos Simioni
Original Soundtrack: Fred Demarca
Creation and Light Operation: Cristina Souto and Ciro Godoy
Set design and objects: Paulo Federal
Videomapping: Felipe Barros
Executive Production: Mariana Novais - Ventania Cultural
DURATION: 40 minutes
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