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Karin Serafin

Karin has been a dancer for 30 years. After an injury that occurred in 2016, it became evident to her that her body is now a new body, a hard body, a body with new limits, a body that needs to nd its place in dance again. Choosing toworkwithAhmedandTurnesischoosingtoworkwithtwopeoplewhoarepart of your story, in life and as a performer. Karin has worked for 25 years with Alejandro in the Cena 11 Group and it was with Renato that she started her research as a creative interpreter. It is intended that, based on the experiences witheachofthedirectors,thewaysofworkingthatwillgiverise,for eachof them, to a solitary and independent investigation, and then they will dene the territory of action for each solo, the material, the stories... The creative processes to be developed by Renato Turnes and Alejandro Ahmed will be carried out independently, without being divided or shared with each other and will only meet at the premiere of the works. They intend to present them in a sequence, on the same day, in the same place, but in different rooms / environments.ECO gives rise to a new phase of the interpreter Karin Seran. Starting from a corporal difculty, the will to investigate the possibilities of this new body is launched, and taking the denitions of the word ECO, the two Directors of the project were asked to write about what the proposal would cause in them, generating a rst stimulus for the idea of par ticipation in the project, memories and affections of each one.

ECO- Dance

Logo marca da Corpo Rastreado. A paravra Corpo Rastreado escrita com algumas letras em formatop de código de barras.
Logomarca do projeto Corpo A Fora, escrita da palavra em letras finas.
Logomarca do projeto farofa. Escrita da palavra Farofa e linhas em movimento ao final da palavra.
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